Initiate a Leave of Absence

Life happens, and we understand you might need a break to take care of things. If you anticipate being absent from work for a prolonged period of time, you need to initiate a claim with our Leave and Disability Administrator, Sun Life Financial.

Claims should generally be opened 30 days in advance or as soon as possible. Pay may be delayed or suspended if your leave is not approved in a timely manner.

For help understanding your leave benefits, refer to the policies posted on HR4You.

find it fast

  • To initiate a leave of absence, contact Sun Life Absence Management Services by calling: 1-833-812-5184 (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. ET).

Click here to learn more about different types of leaves.

  • Call Sun Life Financial’s Absence Management Services to initiate your leave:
  • Sun Life Financial will provide you with forms and guided instructions*
  • Complete and return all required documentation as soon as possible
  • Sun Life Financial will communicate a decision once your claim is reviewed
  • Return calls to your Case Manager at Sun Life Financial
  • If you are looking to extend your leave, submit your request and any applicable documentation to Sun Life Financial prior to the end of your approved leave
  • If applicable, Sun Life Financial will advise you on how to apply for any state or local leave entitlements
  • Stay in touch with your manager regarding returning to work and/or requesting additional time away

*Sun Life Financial has contracted with EMD Millipore Corp. and its affiliates to provide Leave and Disability claims administration for all employees in the United States. The paperwork you receive will state EMD Millipore, but includes all sectors including EMD Serono, EMD Performance Materials, EMD Digital,

Wellthy: Support When You Need a Leave of Absence

Wellthy’s care experts can help ease the burden of the administrative and logistical tasks that come with taking a leave. They’ll help you:

  • Understand your leave options including how your claim impacts other programs (such as Social Security Disability) and the process
  • Apply for a leave including state-specific leaves
  • Identify financial assistance resources to help bridge any income gap
  • Gather your medical records and get a second opinion when needed
  • Prepare for rehabilitation
  • Care for yourself, including emotional support

While out on paid leave, your benefits remain in effect and regular payroll deductions will continue. If any portion of your leave is unpaid for more than 30 days, your benefits will continue as long as you make payments on a post-tax basis through Direct Bill to the benefits administrator.

You do not need a doctor’s note to return to work at full duty capacity. It is expected that you return to work at the end of your approved leave as communicated by Sun Life Financial. If you require an accommodation to perform the essential functions of your job, you may be eligible for an accommodation as defined under the ADAAA.

Visit the Disability Coverage page for information on workplace accommodations.



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